In 2021, Haight Street Art Center received a donation from the collection of Karen Mae that featured original protest posters printed in San Francisco during the five-year Delano table grape strike against area grape growers. Inspired by this donation and the rich history of activism and artwork it presented, the exhibit Turning the Table opened in 2022.
Turning the Table featured contemporary and historic protest posters that reflect decades of collective action in support of rights for farm workers and food workers, and highlighted the work of the United Farm Workers of America, co-founded in San Francisco, by labor leaders and Civil Rights activists Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta.
This exhibit in turn inspired further work with contemporary artists and activists, continuing the work started by this original movement, and dealing with many of the same conditions and inequities that plague the industry. In taking the exhibit out into the community to raise greater awareness, we started a series of "In Community Pop Ups" that telegraphed the art and issues in the exhibit out into public spaces.