Charting a Movement: Understanding the San Francisco Poster Renaissance

A Panel Discussion with Haight Street Art Center Curators Nicholas Meriwether and Scott Montgomery
Fifty years after the Summer of Love, the posters that illustrated the Haight-Ashbury and the American counterculture continue to attract wide attention. Yet the art world still finds it difficult to understand and appreciate this powerful and vital moment in American art history. This panel brings together two curators of the current exhibition at the Haight Street Art Center for a discussion of why the San Francisco Poster Renaissance should be hailed as not only the nation's second great poster movement, but a full-fledged art movement in its own right.
7PM to 9PM
Friday, October 27, 2017
Refreshments and light snacks will follow the panel discussion.
Haight Street Art Center
215 Haight St SF CA 94102
Free to the public.
We are presenting this panel on behalf of TRPS’ 2017 Festival of Rock Posters in Golden Gate Park on October 28th.