Bridging Generations, Celebrating the Year of the Ox

This year is the Year of the Ox, a time that reflects a commitment to hard work, responsibility, and discipline, all characteristics of the ox. As we mourn and recover from the ravages of the pandemic, we believe it is critically important to acknowledge the often-invisible work of caretakers, and the extraordinary loneliness and isolation so many have experienced over the last year.
The Haight Street Art Center is proud to present “Bridging Generations,” a display of art by elders from the Chinese American community in honor of the lunar new year and the beginning of the Year of the Ox, which begins on February 12th. Developed in partnership with the Institute on Aging, this program provided participants with art supplies and prompts to explore what the lunar new year means to them. Their words, calligraphy, drawings, and designs have been made into posters and screen prints that are displayed here, at the Institute on Aging, and in Chinatown. These messages and artworks are gifts to the community as we enter into the Lunar New Year.
Our elders are precious – and so are the people who care for them. Making art offers pathways toward connection, with the self and others. This Year of the Ox, we are honored to work with our partners at the Institute on Aging to support elders and caretakers.
A glimpse into what is on display in our Garden Gallery
February 12, 2021
Dear Friends,
The Haight Street Art Center is proud to bring you "Bridging Generations," an exhibit that celebrates the Lunar New Year and honors the wisdom, experiences and creativity of Asian American elders. We know that COVID-19 restrictions have left many of our elders and caretakers at higher risk and isolated from community. In our efforts to reach those who would benefit from art activities during this time, we teamed up with the Institute on Aging and the people they serve.
HSAC distributed “Art Kits” with prompts and supplies for participants to create unique artwork celebrating the Year of the Ox. Their words, calligraphy, drawings, and designs have been made into posters and screen prints on display in our Garden Gallery.
Over the last year and a half, we have seen a staggering and unconscionable rise in hate crimes against Asian Americans. In California and San Francisco, we have recently experienced disturbing assaults on the Asian American senior community. We are heartbroken and angered by this violence, and our thoughts are with the survivors of these assaults, their families and friends, and all those who have experienced racist attacks during this time.
As we embarked on this project, we knew that capturing the messages our participants wanted to share would be important. The wisdom of our elders exists in the power of stories passed from generation to generation. This wisdom must not be lost, forgotten, or thrown away. Honoring our elders means preserving our history and thereby ensuring a brighter future.
“Bridging Generations” reminds us that art, especially during these challenging times, has the power to connect and strengthen communities. The Haight Street Art Center is proud to display this exhibit, and asks all members of our community to take action to end the violence against the Asian American community. Please visit these resources to learn more about how you can support positive change.
Stop AAPI Hate
Chinese Cultural Center of San Francisco
Wash The Hate
In Community,
Kelly Harris Executive Director