Ytaelena Lopez
Ytaelena Lopez

Ytaelena Lopez is happy to work on this project about the women's vote, because democracy is a privilege gained with blood, sweat and tears. She has been documenting protest for a long time: first as a journalist in Venezuela and now as a visual artist. Ytaelena is a storyteller that loves to portrait human emotions, especially those that burn bright like hope, compassion and rage. Those are the ones that fuel dreams, spark changes and connect all of us in a common narrative.
Ytaelena comes from a diverse background, covering journalism, art history, literature, linguistics and technology. She uses these approaches to set up situations that trigger deep emotions and make viewers question their surroundings. That is why she uses never-ending lines to draw a cartography of human emotions and connect with the public in a visceral way. In the coming months, her work will be shown at the Secession Gallery and the De Young Museum in San Francisco.
View 19th Amendment: 2020 Vision Artist Bios